Introduction to socially engaged arts by amassmooc | Oct 3, 2022 Diverse approaches for mitigating societal challenges through arts-based initiatives. Take Course 1. Artistic open form and art education for the Deaf. Emancipating people – CZECH REPUBLIC 1. Artistic open form and art education for the Deaf. Emancipating people – CZECH REPUBLIC Lessons Lesson 1: Artistic open form and art education for the Deaf. Emancipating people Lesson 1.1: Introduction Lesson 1.2: Czech glass Lesson 1.3: Deaf children at the museum Lesson 1.4: Open form 2. Introduction to socially engaged arts for inclusive communities – FINLAND 2. Introduction to socially engaged arts for inclusive communities – FINLAND Lessons Lesson 2: Introduction to socially engaged arts for inclusive communities Lesson 2.1: An Overview of Socially Engaged Arts (SEA) Lesson 2.2: SEA Defined Lesson 2.3: Who is Suzanne Lacy? Lesson 2.4: What are the challenges and criticisms faced by SEA? Lesson 2.5: Case Studies of SEA Lesson 2.6: Case Studies of SEA Lesson 2.7: Case Studies of SEA Lesson 2.8: Generating Impact through SEA Lesson 2.9: The Role of Research in Producing Evidence for Impact Generated through SEA Projects Lesson 2.10: Documenting Evidence for SEA Lesson 2.11: Summary 3. Social media presence of disadvantaged communities: Arts-based interventions and visual storytelling to make their true voice heard – HUNGARY 3. Social media presence of disadvantaged communities: Arts-based interventions and visual storytelling to make their true voice heard – HUNGARY Lessons Lesson 3: Social media presence of disadvantaged communities: arts-based interventions to make their true voice clearly heard Lesson 3.1 An introduction to visual storytelling Lesson 3.2 What is storytelling? Lesson 3.3 Storytelling in marginalized communities Lesson 3.4 What makes a good story? Lesson 3.5 Storytelling techniques Lesson 3.6 Storyboarding Lesson 3.7 Creating your stories Lesson 3.8 Visual storytelling in movies Lesson 3.9 Shooting & Editing 4. Design-driven participatory processes with stakeholders in the arts and culture field – ITALY 4. Design-driven participatory processes with stakeholders in the arts and culture field – ITALY Lessons Lesson 4: Design-driven participatory processes with stakeholders in the art and culture field Lesson 4.1 Introduction Lesson 4.2 Why a design approach? Lesson 4.3 The power of participatory design Lesson 4.4 What is the role of design in cultural policy-making? Lesson 4.5 The participatory process, its purpose, methods, and tools Lesson 4.6 How to engage participants? Lesson 4.7 Working ethically in the era of the GDPR Lesson 4.8 Good practices for data collection Lesson 4.9 What is abductive reasoning, and why does it matter in design-driven activities? Lesson 4.10 Sense-making in practice: analysing and synthesising Lesson 4.11 Building impactful research outputs to create meaningful conversations Lesson 4.12 The role of facilitation in creating effective and inclusive group dynamics in participatory and collaborative settings Lesson 4.13 Relational skills in action: Techniques for facilitating participatory activities in different set-ups Lesson 4.14 The power of visualisation in facilitation Lesson 4.15 Wrap-up! Design-driven participatory processes with stakeholders in the arts and culture field overview 5. Engaging communities in the arts – MALTA 5. Engaging communities in the arts – MALTA Lessons Lesson 5: Engaging Communities in the arts Lesson 5.1: Engaging with Urban Spaces Lesson 5.2: Community-based Theatre Lesson 5.3: Methodological issues in studying socially engaged art Lesson 5.4: Managing Community Engagement 6. Giving body to the voices – The importance of documentation – PORTUGAL 6. Giving body to the voices – The importance of documentation – PORTUGAL Lessons Lesson 6: GIVING SHAPE TO THE VOICES – the importance of documentation Lesson 6.1: GIVING BODY TO THE SENSE OF SIGHT Lesson 6.2: GIVING BODY TO THE SENSE OF HEARING Lesson 6.3: GIVING BODY TO THE SENSE OF TOUCH Lesson 6.4: GIVING BODY TO THE SENSE OF SMELL Lesson 6.5: GIVING BODY TO THE SENSE OF TASTE 7. European cultural policy and the socially engaged arts – SWEDEN 7. European cultural policy and the socially engaged arts – SWEDEN Lessons Lesson 7: European cultural policy and the socially engaged arts Lesson 7.1: EUROPEAN CULTURAL POLICY Lesson 7.2: CULTURAL POLICY PODCAST Lesson 7.3: FINDINGS OF SLR STUDY Lesson 7.4: BIBLIOMETRICS, SLRS, VOS VIEWER Lesson 7.5: ALTMETRICS 8. Developing positive partnerships in socially engaged art projects – UNITED KINGDOM 8. Developing positive partnerships in socially engaged art projects – UNITED KINGDOM Lessons Lesson 8: Developing positive partnerships in socially engaged art projects Lesson 8.1: Engaging with each other – Introduction Lesson 8.2 Key concepts Lesson 8.3 Key tools Lesson 8.4 Review of the Stakeholder matrix map Lesson 8.5 Relationship as process tool Lesson 8.6 Review of the Relationship as process map (Association phase) Lesson 8.7 Case 1 – Fatima as a student Lesson 8.8 Case 2 – Fatima as a museum employee Lesson 8.9 Case summary & Activity Lesson 8.10 Review of the Relationship as process map Lesson 8.11 Summary of Lesson 8