3.1 Stakeholder matrix map
Each stakeholder’s influence differs from their Power/Interests and Influence in a project. Therefore, it is important to draw the initial stakeholder map to manage the relationship effectively when you first initiate your project.
A Stakeholder analysis grid is a widely used tool for mapping stakeholders. As you can see in this chart, there are four dimensions of stakeholders. Depending on their interests and power, stakeholders must be “monitored”, “informed”, “satisfied”, or “closely managed”. Of course, as the project is progressed, stakeholders’ power/interests and influence may change. However, it is critical to map your stakeholders at the early research stages to manage them effectively.

Figure 3. Stakeholder matrix map
As a part of learning from this module, you will be asked to complete your stakeholder map before moving to the next series of lessons. So, here is an example of one of the AMASS partner’s stakeholder map. After brainstorming the stakeholder network map, as shown in figure1, it is necessary to locate each group or individual on the Stakeholder matrix map. In doing so, researchers can set the communication plan to engage with each stakeholder appropriately.

Figure 4. Stakeholder matrix map example (PACO, AMASS partner)
As shown in figure 4, stakeholders in “manage closely” are those whom researchers need to meet in person or closely collaborate with to achieve project goals. The local council may have a high influence on the project, such as COVID19 restrictions for indoor meetings but low power regarding setting objectives and goals for the project. On the other hand, AMASS partners have high power for determining the overall project aim. But since the AMASS project gives each partner freedom to organise local activities, the AMASS partners’ influences on conducting workshops with communities are minimum. Photographers’ association plays as a gatekeeper by introducing local photographers who can educate the target communities in the field. However, their power and influence are low because they simply connect AMASS partner with photographers.
It is important to consider each stakeholder’s influence and power as objectively as possible. Therefore, it would be good idea to discuss the Stakeholder matrix map with your colleagues. If you work alone, please think carefully before determining stakeholders’ positions in the map.
3.2 The application of tools
In section 1, we introduced the key characteristics of socially engaged art projects (Unit 1), key concepts (Unit 2), and useful tools for managing stakeholders (Unit 3). We would like to give you a more practical example of Fatima to encourage you to complete Section 1’s activity. Fatima’s full story will be demonstrated in Section 3. But here is a part of Fatima’s story to show an example of tools introduced in this lesson.
We briefly introduced to Fatima earlier in this unit. We’ll soon see how Fatima’s interest in SEAP developed while she was a student but, for the moment, we’re looking at how her experiences for working with communities developed in her working life.
Using the stakeholder map tool, consider who might be included in a map of her possible project partners, participants and key allies in working to develop a socially-engaged art project addressing this key aim.

Activity 3.1
Using the stakeholder map tool, consider who might be included in a map of her possible project partners, participants and key allies in working to develop a socially-engaged art project addressing this key aim.
So, here is the step-by-step guide for creating the Stakeholder matrix map followed by the video instruction.
- Write down every stakeholder you can think of.
- Draw network lines between stakeholders as shown in the previous unit.
- Locate each stakeholder in the Stakeholder matrix map by considering the goals and objectives of the project.
- Review the map with your colleagues or yourself.
Drawing the Stakeholder matrix map is a critical starting point for planning your communication strategy. Additionally, there will be a series of activities related to each other. So, we encourage you to complete this activity before moving to the following lessons.
EVALUATION | Multiple choice, True/False
Now that you have watched the MOOC and reflected on its content, try to answer the questions in the quiz to complete this lesson