8.10 Review of the Relationship as process tool (Activity 9.1 in Unit 8.9)
Did you find it challenging to categorise tasks for each phase? If not, that’s great. If yes, you are still okay. Since the four phases of the Relationship as process are not designed to distinguish your tasks. The phases in the Relationship as process are to understand and anticipate relationship challenges in sequential order. As it progresses, there will be more content or modified content depending on the situation. Having the recorded Relationship as process map with you would give you a thorough understanding of what you have done with partners.
In Unit 5, we looked at the Relationship journey to help understand Fatima’s SEAP, which she developed as a student – where we are able to trace the process of her building a project team across the three relationship contexts which we learnt about in Unit 2. From this, we were able to consider Fatima’s new project – where, as a graduate working in the cultural sector, she was keen to develop a new project addressing or responding to needs in her local community. We suggested using the template for the relationship journey map and tracing a route of possible activities in response to the questions we included in Unit 3 under each of the four phases of the ACCT process.
It can be your priceless record for conducting a multi-functional project. Although we provide you with a PowerPoint slide as the template, you can use your creativity to fill the map. Hand drawings and pictures are also useful for the Relationship as process tool. Most importantly, what you document with the Relationship as process tool will be a valuable asset for your future project.
Illustration Design – Tara O‘CarrollInstagram: @taraodesigns_Behance: https://www.behance.net/taraocarro9b9aLinkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tara–o-carroll-0a9187195