Introduction to sense-making, the attitude and mindset that practitioners should adopt at this stage. Step-by-step explanation of how to compare data to extract meaningful insights that can drive informed decisions and inspire practitioners and teams to take action. Presentation of principles and techniques to write effective insights.
Kolko, J. (2011). Exposing the magic of design: A practitioner’s guide to the methods and theory of synthesis. Oxford University Press.
Lindström Sol, S., Kárpáti, A., Sarantou, M., Gutiérrez Novoa, C., & Remotti, S. (2022). AMASS Policy White Paper: Suggestions for Stakeholders and Policymakersbased on the Findings of the AMASS Project.
Payne, J. (2020). Design analysis and synthesis: A palette of approaches. In IDSA 2013 Education Symposium, Chicago, USA. retrieved May 12th.