Lesson 1: Artistic open form and art education for the Deaf. Emancipating people
Contributors: Marie Fulková, Magdalena Novotná, Jan Pfeiffer, Ivana Hay – Charles University, Czech Republic
This lesson is for everyone who is interested in the unique way of communicating in different languages and art, wants to learn about the world of the Deaf and enjoys going to art museums. Your guides will be Jan, an artist, and Iva, an art teacher of the Deaf. You will go to see an artistic glass exhibition and use an open form for artistic creation. Lesson 1 follows the pilot research study of the Horizon2020 AMASS project.
Learning outcomes:
Students will develop cultural sensitivity, respect for otherness and a recognition of the value of others on a broader scale;
Develop and use new knowledge and cultural awareness of the culture of the Deaf;
Share and disseminate their experience of creative work combining several kinds of assignments and using a variety of art media.
The successful completion of this course will enable participants to:
- Get acquainted with the challenges of art education for the Deaf and with specific needs of museum/gallery pedagogy for the Deaf;
- Interpret and creatively re-interpret contemporary art forms;
- Contribute to socially, culturally, and politically important issues.
Lesson 1 consists of four Units. They are interconnected, making up a creative whole. One part affects the other, they have common properties and function together. This lesson is based on art-making, self-study, guided by videos, reading and reflective writing.
Unit 1: Introduction
Unit 2: Czech glass
Unit 3: Deaf pupils in the museum
Unit 4: Open form